Willette Cosenza 15 Piece Dinnerware Set CG1701 This is an in-box item in great condition. 15 pieces only, one mug was broken. Details: https: www.wayfair.com Ophelia-and-Co.–Willette-Cosenza-16-Piece-Dinnerware-Set-Service-for-4-X113682151-L790-K~W002571040.html?refid=GX444304948716-W002571040&device=c&ptid=880115551415&network=g&targetid=aud-871864461507:pla-880115551415&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=99844654&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=128075494&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqdP9BRDVARIsAGSZ8AkiO9bExo3aXwtNpygiD_uGcXqk1nIBbSOzlngTR1QOB9d4UsREQc0aAmPoEALw_wcB
The WindStorm whistle performs in all conditions, in any weather or safety situation: blown and heard on land, up to 1 2 mile, and even underwater, up to 50 feet. A high-impact, non-corroding thermoplastic protective housing is easy to grasp, and the patented double chamber design allows it to be blown when held right side…
If you have ever wanted to make a lovely cathedral window quilt but didn t want to use the old time consuming envelope method, you now have simpler faster option! Meet Winsome Windows! This pattern walks you through an easy machine piecing method that does not involve piecing curves. You will feel like a quilty…